Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blissful at Heviz

Gently floating around Heviz(healthy water)lake is indeed a blissful feeling.Soaking up the August suns rays while admiring the more than picture perfect surreal 360 degree view as we bobbed along.Accompanying the fine steam rising from the lake(in Winter,thicker more like a fog),hundreds of tiny little birds darting and dive bombing across the lake.

We had eagerly descended down some steps into the lake from the main building.With big black doughnut shaped inflatables.Half expecting a chill from the water(though we had been reassured it was around 28 degrees),but not at all.Instead being greeted with more like a warm and comforting bath.

We lazily swam around.Well as best as you can when you have a big inflatable wrapped around you.After about 20 minutes,we started to feel a lovely warm tingling sensation in our arms and legs.Having begun in our feet 1st.This as well as occasionally feeling little bubbles rising up from the depths.

The lakes surface was densely scattered with many varieties of water Lillie's.Native white,Egyptian and Indian red water Lillie's which had been brought from India in 1898.They have a slight sweet aroma.With their long thick stalks extending deep down.Being very careful not to bump into them,as they are protected.So your not allowed to pick off the flowers and stick them in your hair.As a group of Italians had done.Though they declared that it was already broken.

The main building that spans the lake is more Asian than European looking,with pagoda like spires atop at various junctures and at its extremities.Inside you will find the changing rooms,along with all manner of spa,massage and medicinal treatments available(ours was the floating option).

Around the lakes edge on its grassy banks are holiday chalets,changing rooms and cafes in the same oriental style.

Heviz is near the north western end of Lake Balaton,which is south west from Budapest.It is the largest biologically active natural thermal lake in Europe.The lakes source(spring) is actually a geyser,while the lake is its upside down crater.This water flow completely replenishing itself everyday,and along with its mud is slightly radioactive.But don't worry,you won't glow in the evening.

Its medicinal benefits have been known and used for centuries.At least since the Romans.Rehabilitating and preventing Rheumatism,locomotor,muscle and nervous system disorders.Even Gynaecological problems.

After an hour more or less,we felt tingly,warm and heavy all over.With the sun beginning its fall to night,feeling the warmth of the day fading.Giving way to the Summer evenings slight chill.This was our cue to unfortunately leave and return to our Hotel.We were also bloody hungry.

So if you would like feel at least 10 years younger,but without the TV coverage.Take the plunge!Go and dive into Heviz!You will at least feel blissfully relaxed.And maybe this is the main key to its health giving properties anyway.

Health and happiness at Heviz in Hungary

Review of Heviz

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