Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blissful at Heviz

Gently floating around Heviz(healthy water)lake is indeed a blissful feeling.Soaking up the August suns rays while admiring the more than picture perfect surreal 360 degree view as we bobbed along.Accompanying the fine steam rising from the lake(in Winter,thicker more like a fog),hundreds of tiny little birds darting and dive bombing across the lake.

We had eagerly descended down some steps into the lake from the main building.With big black doughnut shaped inflatables.Half expecting a chill from the water(though we had been reassured it was around 28 degrees),but not at all.Instead being greeted with more like a warm and comforting bath.

We lazily swam around.Well as best as you can when you have a big inflatable wrapped around you.After about 20 minutes,we started to feel a lovely warm tingling sensation in our arms and legs.Having begun in our feet 1st.This as well as occasionally feeling little bubbles rising up from the depths.

The lakes surface was densely scattered with many varieties of water Lillie's.Native white,Egyptian and Indian red water Lillie's which had been brought from India in 1898.They have a slight sweet aroma.With their long thick stalks extending deep down.Being very careful not to bump into them,as they are protected.So your not allowed to pick off the flowers and stick them in your hair.As a group of Italians had done.Though they declared that it was already broken.

The main building that spans the lake is more Asian than European looking,with pagoda like spires atop at various junctures and at its extremities.Inside you will find the changing rooms,along with all manner of spa,massage and medicinal treatments available(ours was the floating option).

Around the lakes edge on its grassy banks are holiday chalets,changing rooms and cafes in the same oriental style.

Heviz is near the north western end of Lake Balaton,which is south west from Budapest.It is the largest biologically active natural thermal lake in Europe.The lakes source(spring) is actually a geyser,while the lake is its upside down crater.This water flow completely replenishing itself everyday,and along with its mud is slightly radioactive.But don't worry,you won't glow in the evening.

Its medicinal benefits have been known and used for centuries.At least since the Romans.Rehabilitating and preventing Rheumatism,locomotor,muscle and nervous system disorders.Even Gynaecological problems.

After an hour more or less,we felt tingly,warm and heavy all over.With the sun beginning its fall to night,feeling the warmth of the day fading.Giving way to the Summer evenings slight chill.This was our cue to unfortunately leave and return to our Hotel.We were also bloody hungry.

So if you would like feel at least 10 years younger,but without the TV coverage.Take the plunge!Go and dive into Heviz!You will at least feel blissfully relaxed.And maybe this is the main key to its health giving properties anyway.

Health and happiness at Heviz in Hungary

Review of Heviz

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ghosts in Brighton

As we arrived back,late at night at the 'Iron duke' pub,Where we were staying. We heard an eerie inhuman screech,coming from the dark passageway next to the church,which was opposite the pub.With its clock stuck just before 12.

We decided to have a nervous look into the dark depths.Just to check that nobody was in trouble.Finding nothing and not hearing anything else.

So confused,we went back into the pub.A little while later.Our other 2 mates arrived.Immediately and excitedly repeating exactly the same story as ours.What on earth was it?

The following evening,only 3 out of 4 of us returned.Upon arriving into our shared room of 4 beds.I went to visit the bathroom.

After coming back,my mates said that the light was still on.We could see from outside our window,the bathroom window.As it was diagonally opposite.So I went back and switched the light off again.Only to find out again upon my return,that the light was on again.(This was strange,because there was nobody else staying at the pub at that time).

Getting very suspicious now,but reluctantly venturing back.I also had a little wander around to see if anybody was lurking around.Nothing!Double checking to make really sure that this damn light was off.Yes it definitely was.So confidently strolling back to our room.But surprisingly the light still shone.Well,I'm not going back out there again.

Obviously,this was all very strange indeed.Thinking that somebody might be playing a prank on us or something else.

It was a warm August evening,so our window was open.Just in case somebody/thing tried to enter in through.We lined up a load of empty cans on the window sill.So they would crash off and alert us to this possible attack.

After chatting for a while.We turned off our room's light.But just a short time later,we heard slow creaky footsteps in the hallway,coming from the direction of the bathroom.Creeping along the length of our room and reaching our door.Then the door knob frantically being shook,as somebody trying to get in(we had already locked it,naturally).Eyes wide open and staring at one another.We nervously asked who it was,but no reply.There was just silence and no footsteps away.Nothing!

After a long time waiting for something,anything.But still nothing.We pushed one of the beds up against the door.However with sleep finally catching up with us,we started to drop off.When the cans crashed onto the floor.Phew!It was just the wind?

Once again drifting off.Then waking up with alarm as the door was forcibly pushed open and the bed shoved back into the room.'Women and children 1st,Sacrifice Dave(he was the closest),they're finally coming for us.No valour,out of the window.However it was just the 4th member of our group returning.Bastard!

We explained what had happened to the owners in the morning.They knew nothing about it,and stated again that we were the only people staying there at the moment.We obviously spent our remaining few nights there wearily.However nothing else happened.This though had been a very strange few nights,and to this day we don't know what it was.A ghost?Maybe.

This happened a long time ago.Way before the present owners.As you can see in my photo of the more intact west pier.

Though apparently Brighton and Sussex does have its fair share of ghosts.There is even a ghost walk and ghost hunters.You can even find a very good book on the subject called Haunted Brighton.

The lanes ghost walk review

Monday, March 16, 2009

Northern Cyprus dive

After asking in the hotel about diving.I had been introduced to Tuncay.A well built and friendly ex Turkish special forces,who had just opened his own dive school.So he had all brand new shiny equipment.We had agreed to dive early the following morning,meeting at the the outside pool.

Starting off with a dive into the March Winter cold pool.One way to wake up!Then performing all the regular pre dive checks.I even left on a pair of socks,when I got kitted up as he had recommended due to the cold water.

We strode off down the beach to the waters edge.Fins on and entering in backwards,a short way.Then turning with face mask on and regulator in,swimming straight into the light surf.Gradually sinking as the beach sloped down between the rocky reefs.Practicing controlling my buoyancy with my breath.

We paused next to one of the reefs,as he pointed out an Octopus hiding in a crevice.Finally noticing its bulging eye staring out at me.Then he picked up a clam,what the Octopus was probably waiting for.Showing it to me and then handing it to me.Ooh!That's nice!But with one powerful pulse,off it went.D'oh!

Continuing on and floating over a deep drop,before the next hill.We then descended to the deepest part of the dive at 13 metres.When I started gasping for air.It was getting harder and harder to breath the cold dry air.Fortunately I had a good buddy.He looked back at me,noticing that something was up.After seeing me give the out of air signal.Immediately came over,giving me his spare regulator.While checking on mine.There was plenty of air!After fiddling with it,air started flowing again.Plonking it back in,checking I was and everything okay.We continued on.

After swimming around for awhile,noticing all the little fishes darting around.He suddenly grabbed hold of me,and looked down.What the hell was going on?Something beneath us?While at the same time we were ascending,until finally breaking the surface.My weight belt had fallen off!He went back for it,while I bobbed about.Even my wife had spotted us,wondering what was going on,while having a drink on the hotels terrace.

He arrived back.Not with the belt but a boulder.For me to hold onto,helping to weigh me down.So we could head back,while still underwater.Then once again my air supply started to falter.He was right next to me,so quickly checked and fiddled with it.It started flowing again.So we decided to go for a more direct route back over the rocky reef,with my boulder in hand.

Finally reaching the beach,but leaving the boulder behind.Bloody hell!It was heavy.I couldn't even carry it out of the water.We then trundled back up the beach to the Hotel.

This had definitely been an interesting 1st dive after passing my Padi Open water course.

Our Hotel was the Palm Beach Hotel,an Art deco affair.Which was in Famagusta,on the Turkish part of Cyprus.Right next to the border.Literally here,a barbed wire fence cut along the beach,continuing on into the sea.Just a few 100 metres away from the Hotel.On the other side of the fence 'Varosha'.A ghost(resort)town.An entire long sweeping sandy Hotel lined beach.Out of reach!Not a single soul,apart from a few Turkish officers and patrolling soldiers.While even on this side,we were also next to disused Hotels and apartment blocks.

The best travel guide on North Cyprus I found was from Bradt.As for background reading on Cyprus as a whole you can't beat Lawrence Durrell's 'Bitter Lemons of Cyprus'.

Famagusta-history of a 'prince of walled cities'

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Siofok at Lake Balaton

Arriving at the popular resort town of Siofok on Lake Balaton's southern shore.(It's the largest freshwater lake in Europe outside of Scandinavia).Which is about 1 and a half hours drive south west from Budapest.Finding our way easily to the Aranypart(golden beach).After parking(free).We quickly get changed in a most undignified English manner(with no changing room),and hurry off to the lake.Due to our urgent need for total refreshment,after a long hot drive.A dive into the lake.

A wide stone paved promenade runs along the lakes edge,with boulders of various sizes sinking into the water.Interspersed with steps to enter the lake from.To the other side,a grassy park area dotted with trees for sunbathing,picnics and social gathering.

The southern shore is popular for families,because it's shallower and steepens more gradually than its opposite number.Right close to the shore it's only about half a metre deep,and for up to about 500 metres out before you really need to swim.The whole lake itself is not very deep(averaging 3.2 metres),and so often freezes over during the Winter.

The view of the promenade,notwithstanding the blocks of holiday flats(a mixture of modern with communist era).Looks like many Croatian town seafronts(paved promenades lining the shores,with no natural beach).

Hungary has a Mediterranean feel to it.Cafe culture abounds in the cities and towns.While here,a bathing culture,posing along the promenade and people watching.Are the main activities enjoyed by the full spectrum of ages.

Its nicely busy,not overcrowded.For it's only midweek.Though naturally busier and nosier on weekends.When the young folk come in their droves.To not only enjoy the lake but also for Siofoks party scene.While with none of the noise and drunken groups which you would find,say on Brighton beach.

So 1st things 1st.We find our little patch(with shade),next to a tree.Dump our stuff,and ask a nice couple to look after it.And head off to cool down.Striding off(posing!)along the promenade to the closest steps that take us to the warm,shallow and smooth water.Ahhh!!!The water is about 27-28 degrees(Celsius),which is about average through summer.

The waters smoothness is apparently due to its high levels of hydro carbonates,magnesium.calcium and sulphates.It's also drinkably clean.This is because of lengthy and expensive environmental work.Which is checked by experts from outside of the country,and published by the German automobile club(ADAC).It's also for this reason that motorboats are forbidden on the lake.Though water skiing is still possible by a means of electrical traction,available at Siofok.

Naturally all water sports are possible.Including sailing,windsurfing and fishing(carp,catfish and pike-perch).It's also possible to cycle around the entire lake.

After a refreshing swim and a frolic with my wife.We reluctantly head back to our little patch,to dry off.And to indulge in my wife's hobby,sunbathing.While people watching all the beautiful people posing past and daydreaming in the suns rays.

Balaton tourism